
     关注 3 | 粉丝 1 2018-08-14 搜建筑6420
核心提示:MVRDV公布了The Milestone的设计,这是一座将在德国埃斯林根市建造的综合办公楼。这座建筑独特的水晶石立面和镂空的像素化方式,


MVRDV公布了The Milestone的设计,这是一座将在德国埃斯林根市建造的综合办公楼。这座建筑独特的“水晶石”立面和镂空的像素化方式,将成为城市中的一座杰出的新地标和公共设施建筑。


MVRDV has revealed the design of The Milestone, a new mixed-use office building to be built in the city of Esslingen, Germany. Featuring a distinct, part-reflective “crystal rock” facade and a hollowed-out pixelated core, the building will become a standout new landmark and public amenity for the city.


The Milestone位于Neue Weststadt中央火车站附近的一个公共广场上,占地面积达70,000平方英尺(6500平方米),共有12层。灵感来自于城市的过去和未来的雄心,这个设计将具有反射和互动的元素,这将使游客和居民了解该地区的文化和历史。


Located on a public square in Neue Weststadt near the central railway station, The Milestone will contain 70,000 square feet (6,500 square meters) of mixed-use space across 12 stories. Inspired by the city’s past and its future ambition, the design will feature reflective and interactive elements that will educate visitors and residents alike of the region’s culture and history.


MVRDV联合创始人Winy Maas说:“这座建筑向所有在火车上经过的人们展示了埃斯林根,并将成为反映其过去传统和未来的新标志。” “多层玻璃幕墙将整合QR图案,通知参观者有关埃斯林根的人员,景观和历史,使建筑成为所有人的互动图书馆。”


“This building shows Esslingen to people all who pass by on trains and will become a new symbol to reflect its past heritage and future’’, says Winy Maas, MVRDV co-founder. “The facade with fritted glass will have QR codes integrated on to it informing visitors about Esslingen’s people, landscape, and histories which makes the building an interactive library for all.”




From the open plaza, the building steps up towards the ‘esslinger grotto’, an open walkway that punctures through the building and reflects in views from the surrounding landscape. Upper levels will contain flexible, light-filled office spaces, while ground level spaces will be occupied by public amenities including a cafe, restaurant and meeting spaces.


也许建筑的标志性元素,立面将利用一系列创新技术来控制建筑内部条件并产生能量。“水晶石部分是透明的立面,将技术和可持续发展融为一体,使用多孔玻璃来减少过热,使光伏电池储存和产生能量。最后,QR图案在建筑内的像素化地图上显示城市信息它是可见的和可读的,“MVRDV解释说。 “地图位于建筑的下部,延伸至40米高,楼梯和露台形成一个公众可接近的核心,租户和游客可以步行观赏葡萄园和周围的山丘。所有这些可持续发展的功能,建筑立面部分在未来可能成为自给自足的建筑。


Perhaps the building’s signature element, the facade will utilize a range of innovative technologies to control the interior conditions of the building and produce energy.“The Milestone’s part mirrored-transparent fa?ade integrates technology and sustainability with the use of fritted glass to reduce overheating, PV cells to store and generate energy, and finally, QR codes which carry information about the city in a pixelated map spread across the building making it both visible and readable,” explain MVRDV. “The map, be located on the lower part of the building extends to a height of 40 meters, and with stairs and terraces, it forms a publicly accessible core that tenants and visitors can walk up to take in views of the vineyards and surrounding hills. All of these sustainability features in the fa?ade all the potential for the building to become partly self-sufficient in future.”


玻璃幕墙还可以让建筑在白天和黑夜之间转变 - 白天,反射表面将使体量消失在城市中,而在夜晚,它将成为埃斯林根明亮的灯塔。




The glass facade will also allow the building to transform between day and night – during the day, the reflective surface will make the volume disappear into the city, while at night, it will become a luminous beacon for Esslingen.






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